Thursday, February 19, 2009

Having a Happy New Year in 2009

Good day, Everyone! It's February 2009 and only fifty days ago, many of us celebrated for a "happy" new year. However, with the current state of the economy so far, many may feel there's nothing to be happy about in this new year. Well, I believe there is something to be happy about. Furthermore, I believe this year can be happy and divine. "How can 2009 possibly be a happy, divine year?", you may ask. I think a key factor is to focus on the positive, and not let the dismal reports make you depressed. "What positives?", you ask. Well, for example, being out of a job (as many are right now) gives a person time to do more things while they're searching for another job-based income, including creating additional, non-job-based incomes. Specifically, the non-job-based incomes I'm thinking of are incomes received from services or products provided from a personal talent or gift. These talents/gifts could be baking, playing an instrument like the piano, flute, tuba, or drums, building dog or doll houses, becoming an author, maintaining real estate properties or grounds, sewing, decorative painting, repairing automobiles, and etcetera; you get the idea.

Everyone has at least one talent/gift our Creator put in us; no one is left without a talent/gift. Therefore, each of us has a talent/gift that we can offer to provide a great "win-win" service or product. Our talents/gifts are enjoyable activities we like and love doing. We love sharing them. So, do the talent(s)/gift(s) you love and enjoy as an additional income/entrepreneurial income!! For many of us it's been our dream, our heart's desire, our goal to achieve a talent-/gift-based business income when we had the time to commit to it. Well, now many, many, many of us do have the time! Seize this golden opportunity!

There's a familiar saying about seeing a glass as being half empty or half full as being a matter of an individual's perspective. Here's my saying about the glass for all that are without jobs now: see the "glass full of time", now sitting beside the "empty glass of job". Then, choose to fill that empty glass of job with talent/gift-based incomes you'll enjoy for a lifetime. There's no sound logic to being dependant on one type/source of income. Instead, we should establish multiple incomes we truly enjoy, simultaneously achieving our dreams, goals, and heart's desires as "win-win" situations. Having done so, we'll be prepared for times like these should they arise again.

Yes, 2009 is divine! The challenge is to focus on the positive, the possibilities, and using this time to build a better life earning glorious income fulfilling our heart's desires , goals and dreams through the gifts/talents we've been given. The loss of job income does not have to be the end of you and yours!! No, instead, it should be the start of your best days and years of a divine, blissful "win-win" life of heart's desires, goals and dreams accomplished and financial independence.

My goal, here, is to be another positive voice of encouragement throughout this year, and to share awesome tools and resources that can be used to achieve your dreams, heart's desire and goals, hopefully in a profitable "win-win" way!

Thank-you for visiting with me in this blog. You're invited to visit Michaela's, too! I wish you a happy soul, a peaceful mind and blissful days and nights. We'll meet here again, soon!

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